Chili Cook-Off

Come sample your neighbor’s Chili offerings and vote for your favorite

When: Saturday October 29, 2022 4 to 6 PM

Where: Leeds Town Park

We would like to keep the parking lot at the park for those with mobility issues and Babylon Mill Road will be closed off at 4:45 for the Trunk or Treaters so please park at Town Hall or on Main Street. There will also be a costume contest for both adults and youth.

Come on out and spend time with neighbors and friends!

A picture containing text, clipart Description automatically generated LEEDS HALLOWEEN


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2022, 4 PM to 6 PM

(Please park at Town Hall or on Main Street so we keep Babylon Mill Rd. Safe for Trunk or Treaters.)

*If you are participating in Trunk or Treat, please be parked on Babylon Mill Road by 4:45 PM

The time has come to get out of the house by bringing those top-secret, best ever, nobody can beat chili recipes to the Town Park!

$10 Registration per team gives you the opportunity to win a team trophy for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, & People’s Choice, but more importantly… BRAGGING RIGHTS!

Registration forms (which include all important details) are available at Town Hall, Casa Tequilana, the Trading Post, and the Leeds Market.

Voting will be by a three (3) member judging panel, and by your neighbors.

Costumes encouraged but not mandatory, why let our youth have all the fun?

Ribbons awarded for the Best, Scariest, Funniest, & Original Costumes

2 Categories for costume contest: 12 & Under, and 13 & up

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