Town of Leeds

Town of Leeds Planning Commission
Wednesday, May 4 , 2022

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Town of Leeds Planning Commission PUBLIC MEETING scheduled for Wednesday, May 4 ,2022 at 7:00 P.M. This meeting will be held at Leeds Town Hall, 218 N. Main Street, Leeds, UT 84746.

If you are interested in participating remotely via Zoom, please contact Town Hall at 879-2447 or email for the Zoom details.

Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.


  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Declaration of Abstentions or Conflicts
  5. Consent Agenda:
  6. Tonight’s Agenda
  7. Meeting Minutes of 04/06/2022
  8. Announcements:
  9. Dumpster Days, 20, 21 & 22, Dumpsters located on Cherry Lane
  10. Public Hearing:
  11. Ordinance 2022-03, General Plan
  12. Ordinance 2022-04, Annexation Policy Plan
  13. Resolution 2022-02 To Adopt Modified State Code 10-9a-530, Internal accessory units
  14. Addendum to Chapter 9, Performance and Standards for Hazardous and Other Uses
  15. Action Items:
  16. Action on Ordinance 2022-03, General Plan
  17. Action on Ordinance 2022-04 Annexation Policy Plan
  18. Action on Resolution 2022-02 State Code 10-9a-530, Internal accessory units
  19. Discussion Possible Action Regarding Potter Property, 11.94
  20. Discussion Possible Action Regarding Addendum to Chapter 9, Performance and Standards                       for Hazardous and Other Uses
  21. Discussion Items:
  22.    Staff Reports
  23. Adjournment

The Town of Leeds will make reasonable accommodations for persons needing assistance to participate in this public meeting. Persons requesting assistance are asked to call the Leeds Town Hall at 879-2447 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The Town of Leeds is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Certificate of Posting.

The undersigned Clerk/Recorder does hereby certify that the above notice was posted April 4, 2022, at these public places being Leeds Town Hall, Leeds Post Office, the Utah Public Meeting Notice website and the Town of Leeds website



Aseneth Steed, Clerk/Recorder

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