Town of Leeds


Town of Leeds Town Council

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Town of Leeds Town Council will hold a PUBLIC MEETING on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at 7:00 pm. The Town Council will meet in the Leeds Town Hall located at 218 N Main, Leeds, Utah.



Regular Meeting 7:00pm

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Declaration of Abstentions or Conflicts
  5. Consent Agenda:
  6. Tonight’s Agenda
  7. Meeting Minutes of ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­March 22, 2023
  8. Citizen Comments: No action may be taken on a matter raised under this agenda item. (Three minutes per person).
  9. Announcements:
  10. New Interchange Exit 12 Construction Begin March 27th Drivers should.

expect traffic impact & delays throughout  summer 2024- Hotline: 385-403-4300

  1. Appointment for Alternate Planning Commissioner Ken Hadley Term ending June 30, 2028
  2. Beautification and Leeds Outreach Committee (BLOOM) Event update
  3. Public Hearings: None
  4.       Action Items:
  5. Ordinance 2023-03,Water Authority Ordinance
  6. Leeds Special Event/Filming permit Application.
  7. Conditional Use Permit Category II (R-R-1) 575 S Red Cliffs Rd., Lorraine Greenhalgh
  8. Discussion Items:
  9. Discussion regarding 2023 potential flooding preparedness.
  10. Discussion regarding Road Street Analysis/ Councilmember Furley
  11. Regional water agreement analysis Hansen Allen Luce
  12. Citizen Comments: No action may be taken on a matter raised under this agenda item. (Three minutes per person).
  13. Staff Reports:
  14. Closed Meeting- A Closed Meeting may be held for any item identified under Utah Code section 52-4-205.
  15. Adjournment


The Town of Leeds will make reasonable accommodations for persons needing assistance to participate in this public meeting.  Persons requesting                       assistance are asked to call the Leeds Town Hall at 879-2447 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The Town of Leeds is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Certificate of Posting.

The undersigned Clerk/Recorder does hereby certify that the above notice was posted  April 10­­­ , 2023 at these public places being at Leeds Town Hall, Leeds Post Office, the Utah Public Meeting Notice website, and the Town of Leeds website





Aseneth Steed, Clerk/Recorder

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