Washington County Fair

The Washington County Fair

A Full Week of Family Fun!

The Washington County Fair is almost here! In previous years, we have hosted this event during the later summer months which proves to be a challenge with our hot climate. Our County Commissioners are thrilled to have successfully moved the date of the fair to one of the most pleasant weathered months in Washington County, April.

This week is the LAST WEEK for entries! Please visit this link to submit yours today.  While many of the shops, performances, and events are scheduled from April 20-23, We also have several preluding events such as the Carnival, Parade, and multiple Rodeo’s taking place on the days leading up to it.

On Friday, April 15, we will kick things off with the Carnival at 4:00 pm and Rodeo at 7:00 pm at the Fairgrounds in Hurricane. Rodeo tickets are only $5! Please visit the link below to get yours in advance. Please join us as we ramp up for a week of talent, excitement, and fun!

Saturday, April 16 at 11:00 am, our Special needs Rodeo is taking place. This is a fun event for the whole family with appearances by the Coppertown Clown and Davis’ Mutley Crew as well as Rodeo Queens and City Princesses. This event is open to all ages and registration will stay open until April 8. Please visit this link for FREE registration. Additionally, the Carnival and Rodeo will take place that evening at 4:00 and 7:00.

Tuesday, April 19 is the Washington County Fair kickoff party and parade! Come and watch with the whole family as the Grand Marshall, County Royalty, and City Princesses usher in a variety of floats, marching bands, horses, and more! The parade will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm. The parade route starts at the Washington County Community Center and goes to Telegraph to Main.

Promptly after the parade will be the Fair Kickoff Party at Veteran’s Park. Admission is FREE. Free inflatables, free giveaways, free treats, and free music for all. You could also win tickets to the SOLD OUT Walker Hayes concert!

Tickets for all events are located at the link below. Thank you to our residents for celebrating this beloved Washington County Event with us, see you there!

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